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Teaching Practice

Have you been faced with multiple sources of information on what works in education? It feels overwhelming. But, if my goal is to grow my practice and continue evolving as an educator then I must experiment to identify "what works".

In the Classroom


The following will show and demonstrate what I have done in the classroom which has lead to evolving my instructional practice. I have learned much from educators and non-educators on what they have experimented and found to work in motivating people to learn and build community.

Teaching and Learning - EdTech


Teaching and learning are two aspects that must be considered when integrating technology into the classroom. The end goal is for students to grow as learners and use the technology as a resource or tool to push their thinking. Teaching has changed when behaviors and interactions with students have evolved from the traditional classroom.

Books of interest


I have attended various conferences and courses with my multiple years of study from undergrad to graduate school. This section will provide recommendations for professional growth and learning. My book selections vary and are not limited to education.

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